Power scheme guid: 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e (balanced) download file for import

 · 1 Open a command prompt. 2 Copy and paste the command below for the missing power plan you want to restore into the command prompt, and press Enter. (see screenshot below) (Power saver) powercfg -duplicatescheme afab-bcff20b4a. (Balanced) powercfg -duplicatescheme bffff5bbdf2e.  · Copy the GUID value for the plan you want to enable, for example, bffff5bbdf2e. Enter the powercfg /setactive GUID command. Replace GUID with the value for the power you want to activate. E.g. the command enables the Power Saver plan in Windows powercfg /setactive afab-bcff20b4a. You are done. Existing Power Schemes (* Active) power Scheme GUID: bffff5bbdf2e (Balanced) * power Scheme GUID: 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4aaa6e23a8cc (High performance) power Scheme GUID: afab-bcff20b4a (Power saver)-QUERY-Q: Displays the contents of the specified power scheme.

Most of the time my computer runs using the Balanced power plan. This turns the display off after 10 minutes and puts the computer to sleep after 30 minutes. So you can imagine how upset I get when the computer goes to sleep after 30 minutes, before it can complete the 2 hour download or 3 hour video transcode. Existing Power Schemes (* Active)Power Scheme GUID: bffff5bbdf2e (Balanced) * Power Scheme GUID: 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4aaa6e23a8cc (High performance) Power Scheme GUID: afab-bcff20b4a (Power saver) After this is done then you can reopen the power options from the controlpannel and make your. Existing Power Schemes (* Active)Power Scheme GUID: bffff5bbdf2e (Balanced) * Power Scheme GUID: 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4aaa6e23a8cc (High performance) Power Scheme GUID: afab-bcff20b4a (Power saver) And this is what I typed in for the next line.

1 Open a command prompt. 2 Copy and paste the command below for the missing power plan you want to restore into the command prompt, and press Enter. (see screenshot below) (Power saver) powercfg -duplicatescheme afab-bcff20b4a. (Balanced) powercfg -duplicatescheme bffff5bbdf2e. In the command, replace GUID for power scheme GUID as shown in step No. 3. For example, this command sets the "Balanced" plan: powercfg /setactive bffff5bbdf2e. 0) 1)Existing Power Schemes (* Active) 2) 3)Power Scheme GUID: bffff5bbdf2e (Balanced) * 4)Power Scheme GUID: 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4aaa6e23a8cc (High performance) 5)Power Scheme GUID: afab-bcff20b4a (Power saver) This is all on one line: Existing Power Schemes (* Active)Power Scheme.


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